My Booky Wook is Russell Brand's autobiography, although, as with all autobiographies by young people, it is only the story so far and readers can expect further editions from this outrageous characters. Written in Brand's characteristic Dickensian style of speech, this book focuses heavily on his teenage years and early twenties; times of personal self-destruction through drug use and "sex-addiction".
In My Booky Wook the author relies largely upon the telling of quite outrageously bawdy anecdotes, outlining Russell Brand's litany of careless and thoughtless escapades as he pursued a course of self-destruction. If these anecdotes were not told in such a bizarre and self-deprecating style they would be offensive, indeed to many they will remain so, but I found many of them made me laugh out loud although at least some of them were quite shocking.
Generally, people find Russell Brand either very funny or very offensive, but this funny and frank book helps those belonging to both schools of thought to understand his character and the conclusion can surely only be that he is a man suffering from some form of mild mental illness.
Although this is a very amusing book, like many other humourous publications, the humour wanes as one nears the end and becomes rather more philosophical. Many readers may appreciate this but I was enjoying the ridiculous tales so much that I was disappointed when the humour became watered down.
Score: 9/10
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